The Work | LOVE, Part 2
“The absolute yearning of one human body for another particular body and its indifference to substitutes is one of life’s major Mysteries” - Iris Murdock (One of my favorite quotes ever!)
I’d split from my boyfriend
His decision not mine, but the right one
That’s ok, I ‘knew' intellectually we didn’t work… we’d tried enough times. But that doesn’t stop it from hurting
I could go for distraction but we know that doesn’t work
Not long term
Distraction only works for a while and eventually, the hurt comes back
So I make a decision
I’m getting rid of this for good
I’m not going to get another boyfriend to cover the loss of the one before
I’ve tried that already and it never works. Not long term
No. I’m going to go cold-turkey, I’m going to FEEL this mother out
I gave myself a year
A whole year
No booze
No boyfriend
I’m going to feel this mother out
And so I did
As often as was necessary - sometimes occasional, sometimes more
I sat in an Epsom salts bath
Listened to music
Thought the traitorous thoughts
And allowed myself to go into the awful pain, of yearning for one particular human body
“You were supposed to be my soulmate”
“Where have you gone?”
“Why are you not here?”
How close am I… to losing you?
Those were the words to the song, the trigger, and the tears would flow
I would feel the loss
How close am I… to losing you..?
And the tears would flow
It was pain
And still, I did it
This has to get out
I cried for the yearning and the what-should-have-fucking-been
“You were supposed to be my soulmate!”
“Where have you gone??”
How close am I… to losing you…?
“We couldn’t have gone through all that… for… for… for… nothing”
And I cried and I cried and I snotted and cried
How close am I
to losing you..?
“Come on…”
Mouth open, eyes shut
Then - Practically a year to the fucking day
I met my new man