6 easy steps to improve your mood

Feeling a bit meh?? Follow these easy steps, stick to them for 5 days and see your mood liiiift!

What are you putting in your mouth?

If you are downing the Chardonnay with a hefty side of pizza, cake or McDonalds… odds on… you won’t be feeling your best. - Healthy food only - that’s whole foods, nothing processed, plenty of fruit and veg, keep off the sugar and salt AND keep off the booze. It’s 5 days.. if you can’t keep off the booze for 5 days we need to talk

2) Hydrate! That means water people

Unbelievably most people are walking around dehydrated. Start your morning with 500ml of pure water and make sure to drink at least 1 more litre during the day. Stay away from coffee as much as possible (2 max, before lunchtime, never later…) and zero, I will repeat this, ZERO fizzy drinks, energy drinks, etc (basically anything filled with sugar, sweetener, chemicals, or caffeine)

3) Get out!

Going for a walk or run, especially in nature releases feel-good hormones. Do this every day for a minimum of 30 mins. If you’re going to tell me you haven’t got 30 mins a day you seriously need to look at your life. I prefer to breathe in nature and look at the beauty, listen to any birds, etc. I’m not a fan of earphones whilst out but if you do listen to something, make it a positive message podcast or upbeat music, etc.

4) What’s that in your ear??

None negotiable for these few days -  zero consumption of bad news! No reading, watching, or listening to how dreadful everything is, moaning/debating politics, drama soaps, sad movies etc (or reading magazines where somebody is running off with someone else’s something… you get the picture.)

5) Kiss your mother with that mouth??

Watch what you say! Notice your thoughts and what comes out of your mouth. Any negative thought, catch it and STOP, say whoops, and turn to something else. Negative thinking is bad.. saying it out loud is worse because you think it, then hear it through your ears. It’s a double whammy. Notice every time you’re going to moan about your job, hubby, lack of a hubby, dog, friend, Boris, the weather.. anything and STOP. Do not utter it. This will be a massive eye-opener for some people as you won’t realise just how neg you’ve been! Or how neg other people are when you have to shove your fingers in your ears and “la la la la” over them. Probably best to have a slightly different tactic than this one but do not engage in other people’s moanathons

6) You’re a lucky son of a gun...

So list it.. List 10 things minimum you can be grateful for everyday. Once you get going your list can go on and on. This one thing alone can completely shift a mood. It can be as simple as a warm bed, shelter, food, water, car to drive, someone smiled at you, you had a body-rocking orgasm the other morning, your kids are the best looking kids in the world, you’ve got kids… you’ve NOT got kids. Whatever your version is and write the hell outa it! We are so busy focusing on what we haven’t got or what’s been going wrong we forget how much we have got

I said 6 but here’s a bonus one… you’re welcome

Fancy an early night darling?

I used to rake up ’til all hours then wonder why I was moody in the mornings… You were knackered, Einstein. Go to bed a minimum of 9 hours before you need to get up in the morning. 10 hours is better. No electronic devices, no reading unless it’s quite dull (but positive… no unrequited love stories if you’re single!! No letters from the trenches in WW1… (I mention these because this is how I used to unknowingly torture myself). If you’re going to have a ‘roll round’ (good for you btw) give yourself another half hour… If it’s likely to be ‘Sex-Olympics give yourself another couple of hours… and have some more water

Try it for 5 days… and let me know… I promise it can change your life


Booze, unhappiness, anxiety, and the ‘can’t be arsed’s’


POEM | Nothing and Nobody