A Thousand 1st Dates | LOVE, Part 1

I was single and unhappy about it so I did what lots of people do… I signed up to a dating site

There are hundreds of options on there, possibly thousands,  so I commenced dating

I wrote an ‘about me’ put some nice photos up and started the process.

I’d done all this before so I knew what to do. I also knew it worked. I’d met my previous chap on a site so all good

Here we go, I’d be ‘liked’ or ‘interested’ whatever that site version was. We’d start emailing, have a wee chat on the phone then met up

Easy peasy

We met, had a chat and a coffee…Nice enough, but not for me

That’s fine


The process repeated, ‘liked’ email, phone-chat, meet up. Yeah, nice enough, but not for me

That’s fine


And it was fine… until I noticed that this happened and happened and happened and happened

Nobody got my interest

That’s ok… Isn’t it?


Then, I couldn’t be bothered going

I started changing dates, postponing, and generally mucking people about

This is starting to feel like a job. And not a job I’m enjoying

Why are all these guys not great?? Where are all the brilliant ones??

I carried on and carried on

I used to joke that a little country pub close to my home was “The scene of a 1000 first dates”

Because it was

Some got a 2nd date, most didn’t and the odd one managed a few months but nothing much more

This process and the same results carried on and on and on

And, apart from one chap who was definitely 100 years older than his photo, there wasn’t much wrong with these guys

They weren’t getting my attention but nothing I could really put my finger on

Until I did some internal reflecting

And then it struck me what was wrong with them all

What their collective fatal flaw was

Their crime-in-common

…They weren’t my ex-love


That was it

The only thing wrong with them was they weren’t the actual guy I wanted them to be

How could they be?

He didn’t really exist

The man I wanted so much was the funny, sexy, gentle, strong, Mr Wonderful my ex was… if you removed all the things that didn’t work between us.

But that person didn’t exist

I made him up

So I had no choice

I had to give him up

Or did I??….

I’ve never been one to give up easily

So, after 3 1/2 years without speaking, I set about getting him back

And get him back I did

We came together like something from an overly exaggerated romance novel

I walked into the room

He strode over to me

I rushed into his arms

We held each other for an age

He felt the same, he smelled the same, he was the same, My Man, My Beloved Man

We went out into the garden and sat down on a little bench, glass of wine in hand, untouched

I looked into his eyes

“I love you..”

“I love YOU” he replied

Oh the joy

I knew it

I knew we were supposed to be together, we were made for each other

Yes we’d had difficulties, yes there were issues, but that’s all in the past

We’re better now, we’re different now

The joy


We weren’t different, we weren’t better

We were the same people who, despite all the love, simply didn’t work as a couple

It fell apart quickly

A matter of months

I knew it was right

It hurt

But I knew it was right

It’s time Rach

It’s time….

This time…. To do the work


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